Focusing on Humanity: Norway’s Incarceration System
Norway has some of the lowest percentages of people incarcerated and lowest recidivism rates in the world. In short, this is due to their approach to rehabilitation: treating the prisoners like human-beings.
2021: A Renewed Sense of Hope
We have the ability to move forward into a brighter future; all we have to do is try.
Bhutan: Prioritizing Nation-Wide Happiness
Bhutan is considered by many as a developmental success due to its initiative, Gross National Happiness. The Bhutanese government has made a goal of improving their citizens’ well-being and the results are substantial.
Human Connection: An Intrinsic Pillar to a Meaningful Life
Human connection gives us love, health, and happiness. Without it, we are lost.
American Society’s Individualistic Culture: The Impact on the Pandemic
What is individualistic culture and how has it affected our society during this pandemic? Long story short: we need to find ways to connect in order to get out of this crisis.
Destructive Division: Fear and Xenophobia
Fear can affect our perceptions of people we are not familiar with. What role does fear play in the societal division we are facing today?
Destructive Division: The Hyper-Intensified "Us vs. Them" Crisis
One of the biggest problems facing our society is social division. How detrimental has this divide become and what can we do to change it?
Does the United States Have Culture?
No matter where you go cultures are extraordinary and limitless. They make our societies rich. What does it look like in in the United States?
Self Isolation: A Necessary Evil
As the global pandemic continues to rage on, what has the mental toll been that self-isolating has had on us?